Monday, January 11, 2010

Well hello

Hey guys!
Last time I posted here there wasn't a bit of snow on the ground.
Now Im looking at several feet :O
Oh well.
I saw something good hit Cartoon Network last week!
Yeah, there airing some episodes of Tom Warburtons Codename: Kids Next Door. It stopped airing a few years ago, but it was a great show. If you never got a chance to watch it, I suggest you take a look ;] I have also taken notice to an hour block of Ed Edd n Eddy on weeknights. Let us hope this wonderful rewind doesn't go away any time soon hm? So, I am going to try and keep up to date here, with many things I want to talk about. Thats for taking time to read all of my randomness, it is greatly appreciated. And with that, let me make up for all those things I've missed. Happy Holidays! and have a great new year. You will see my resolution is to keep in touch with people here, and my blog more often. I love reading blogs of cartoon creators here, It's pretty cool, hehe >:]